iris koh

SINGAPORE — Six additional charges have been filed against Healing the Divide founder Iris Koh, 47, involving conspiring with general practitioner Jipson Quah, 35, to lie to the Ministry of Health (MOH) that a number of people had received Covid vaccines.

This happened five times with five individuals between October and December 2021. Amy Lee, Carrie Tan Kia Lee, Steven Teo, Bobby Teo, and Goh Yao were said to have received Sinopharm jabs when they had not actually done so in order to receive vaccination certificates.

The remaining charge is for instigating a Ms Tee Hui Yee to fabricate evidence and to have her falsely certified to be of an unsound mind. This certification was to have been used as evidence for a judicial proceeding involving Quah.

Koh’s charge involves the intention to cause the police to entertain a false opinion about whether Quah gave lower-dose Sinopharm vaccines to patients.

Iris Koh now faces a total of 10 charges, having been slapped with similar charges in January and July last year.

Her first charge was for making false representations to MOH after conspiring with Quah and his assistant to say that an individual had got a Sinopharm jab, and the second was for obstructing a police officer from performing their duties.

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For the next two charges, Koh is said to have worked with Quah, to falsely claim that Gary Tho Kong Choong had gotten a Sinopharm vaccine when he had not actually done so for the purpose of Tho getting a vaccine certificate.

Koh will next return to court for a pre-trial conference later this month. Her co-accused Quah is set for a pre-trial conference in March.

Despite her legal troubles, Koh does not appear to back down from her anti-vaccine stance, continuing to post related material on her Facebook page.

In November 2021, MOH warned that Healing the Divide, “adopts an anti-vaccination stance and claims to warn people about the dangers of vaccination.”

The ministry added that the “Healing the Divide” YouTube channel “has a history of posting and sharing content that perpetuates falsehoods and misleading information about COVID-19 and vaccines.” /TISG

Anti-vaxxer Iris Koh goes on rant against ‘fake media’ after getting slapped with 2 new charges