What better way to join TikTok than for WP OG Low Thia Khiang himself showing he’s in fighting form?

Singapore’s leading opposition party announced its entry into the world of TikTok with a video of the former WP chief on an Anchorvale estate walk.


Tagging along with Mr Low on an estate walk at #Anchorvale as he covers Jamus Lim. Leggo! #sengkang #anchorvale #wp #workersparty #firsttiktok

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Mr Low, as well as former WP MP Png Eng Huat, are covering for Sengkang Member of Parliament Jamus Lim, who is currently in the United States on a fellowship at Stanford University.

“Tagging along with Mr Low on an estate walk at #Anchorvale as he covers Jamus Lim. Leggo!,” reads the caption to the video, which debuted midday on Friday (Aug 5).

Any questions about Mr Low’s health are likely to be put to rest after seeing the TikTok, which shows him energetically examining the equipment at a playground.

“Checking if everything is working well for the Anchorvale residents,” the TikTok says.   At one point, he stretches up to reach a high horizontal bar with both hands, which impressed commenters.

He also tries out the different exercise equipment, perhaps to see if they pass muster, as he “double check(s) if the playground is safe for kids.”

Aside from being the former WP chief, Mr Low is the longest-serving opposition Member of Parliament, having served as an MP for 20 years.

Mr Low represented Hougang SMC from 1991 to 2011, then led the WP to a first Opposition win of a Group Representation Constituency when it took Aljunied GRC from the PAP in 2011. 

The former WP chief, 65, who accompanied Assoc Prof Lim on a Seeking Walk last January, had announced before the 2020 General Election that he would not stand for election, but would remain active in politics. He had been hospitalised following a bad fall at home that April.

However, as some commenters mentioned, Mr Low looked like he had fully recovered and is now in good health.


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