The heartbroken owners of Prince, the deceased Shetland Sheepdog who died in the care of a boarding facility named Platinium Dogs Club, have shared their eulogies for their beloved pet.

Prince was checked into the Platinium Dogs Club in December before his owners, Matt and Elaine went away for a short holiday. During their trip, the owner of the boarding facility did not provide sufficient video proof of Prince’s wellbeing at the facility as she had promised.

Then, the owner of the boarding facility called Matt and Elaine and told them that the Agri-Food & Veterinarian Authority of Singapore (AVA) raided their facility and that Prince had run away from the facility during the raid.

Matt and Elaine rushed back to Singapore ahead of schedule and appealed for the public to help them find their missing dog. In a heartbreaking video that went viral online, Elaine could be seen crying and kneeling outside the boarding facility, begging them for more information as to what happened and where Prince is.

Days later, the AVA revealed that it had indeed conducted a raid of Platinium Dogs Club after receiving complaints of animal mistreatment. It further revealed that Prince was dead and had been cremated by the time the AVA conducted the raid. The owner of the facility has been arrested and investigations are ongoing.

Matt and Elaine have since paid heart-wrenching tributes to their beloved Prince. Revealing that he would still be out looking for Prince if they did not receive news that he was Matt wrote on Reddit:

“RIP my noisy boy…I miss you so much already and I’m sorry I wasn’t there to protect you. You will always be in my heart. Every time I open a can of drink or sneeze, I will always pause, waiting for you to bark at me, every time elaine scolds me I will miss seeing you rush to get to calm her down. I hope you have found your way to a big open green field where I will find you one day. I am so sorry…”

Elaine wrote on a Facebook group: “The news of my baby Prince is gone, is totally unbearable. A part of me has gone with him. Sorry for not responding to anything from now on as we need some time and space to calm down and swallow the fact.”