Toilet leakage in Singapore has caused immense frustration to a resident living in an HDB flat, as she continues to grapple with a persistent issue in her master bedroom toilet. This long-standing problem involves leaking toilet pipes, something that many HDB residents might find relatable. A full year has passed with no resolution in sight for her HDB toilet pipe leakage, and the looming threat of a wastewater leak adds to her concerns.
“My master bedroom toilet ceiling is leaking, and now PVC piping also leaks. It’s dirty wastewater leak,” said a Facebook group Complaint Singapore member on Monday (Dec 19). “I have reported to the town council, and they sent their officer down, but I waited one year plus, still no response or any updates,” she noted.

The resident asked if there were ways to expedite the process. “They told me last time that they will have to speak to the above owners, but I do not see any progression.”

The situation seems to be escalating, with the resident revealing that the wastewater leak in her HDB toilet could potentially burst at any moment, threatening to cause even greater distress and damage.

“One year wait is ridiculous,” commented Facebook user Vincent K Zen on the post. He suggested escalating the matter to HDB or their Member of Parliament.
“Have to go to HDB as this is under HDB, not Town Council. You will have to work hard to keep pestering them to get an update on it,” advised Facebook user Linda Seng.
“No point to wait for their response or update as they have a lot of backlogs to process because of Covid the past 2 to 3 years.”
She also suggested going back to the town council for feedback and submitting a case in the OneService app, including photos so that the matter could be directed to the relevant government agency.
It remains to be seen how this ongoing HDB resident toilet pipe leakage issue will be resolved, but it certainly highlights the urgency for authorities to address toilet leakage in Singapore, particularly in HDB apartments. /TISG