“Ride with the Original Idol Band, Lee Hongki,” a video uploaded on the “VIVO TV” YouTube channel, was released on July 9 KST.

In the video, Song Eun Yi and Lee Hongki visited the new FNC Entertainment facility and looked around the practice areas and studios, reminiscing about old times.

Song Eun Yi asked about the current status of FT Island, to which Hongki replied: “The team is really good these days,” indicating a positive atmosphere among the members.

Reflecting on past conflicts, Hongki admitted, “We used to fight a lot,” and humorously recounted minor disputes over trivial things like food:

“Japagetti and side dishes will cause us to fight. He claimed that he would simply ask them to eat whatever they want if they were not happy about not getting what they want.”

Photo: Instagram/FT Island

Fighting over food

Song Eun Yi expressed empathy by stating, “Even two people can fight, so imagine how hard it is for a group of five or three to get along.”

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Hongki concurred, pointing out that the trio’s good rapport stems from their gradual realisation of and respect for one another’s tastes.

Speaking about his leadership role, Hongki thanked his bandmates for frequently following his lead, even when he takes a firm stance.

He commented that he apologises to the members because he tends to be forward in decision-making, but they tell him that they like how he leads.

Song Eun Yi commended this collaboration. Hongki said the new album ‘Serious’ shows the new dynamic and how they create music together.

FT Island is a trio

In June 2007, FT Island made its live debut with five members. Song Seunghyun took Oh Wonbin’s place when he departed in 2009.

After Choi Jonghun’s resignation due to his involvement in the ‘Burning Sun’ controversy, the group faced tremendous hurdles. With his contract expiring, Seunghyun also departed, making FT Island a trio.

Choi Jonghun was forced to leave the entertainment business permanently in 2019 as a result of the scandals surrounding him, which included efforts to bribe the authorities, the sharing of illicit videos, and an incident involving drunk driving.

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As a result of his acts, he was given a suspended prison sentence.

Even still, Jonghun caused more controversy when he reactivated his fan contact channel early this year and hinted at a comeback to the public eye. He also suggested a fresh start.

FT Island is still touring and recording music; their seventh album, “Serious,” was just released.