SINGAPORE: A trailer truck knocked down and rolled over a female motorcyclist on Friday (9 June) while she was waiting at the traffic light along Moulmein Road towards Balestier Road and had stopped her bike in the blind spot of the lorry.

The 30-year-old motorcyclist was sent to Tan Tock Seng Hospital in a conscious state.

Dashboard camera footage posted online by an eyewitness, Facebook user Fong Chun Cheong, shows that the motorcyclist was waiting to turn right at the intersection when the truck stopped behind her and started to drive forward slowly. The woman was then knocked over and went under the truck.

The driver seems to have sensed the impact of the collision and quickly hit the brake before attempting to reverse. But eyewitnesses said that other road users shouted at the driver to stop moving his vehicle to prevent further injury to the rider.

The driver and a passerby also reportedly wanted to pull the injured rider out, but eyewitnesses warned against this lest the rider gets injured further.

See also  Motorcyclist killed in accident involving two lorries on PIE

Mr Fong wrote on Facebook: “… we witnessed a terrible road traffic accident as seen in the footage. Everyone was honking at the trailer but the driver still wanna reverse…Shouted to the driver to stop moving the vehicle as doing so might kill or further injure the motorcyclist.”

He added: “… caught hold of an ambulance attention opposite the road and kudos to the SCDF para medics – medical assistance was rendered quickly. The driver / one passer-by motorcyclist wanted to pull the injured rider out and I shouted don’t move / touch him as might injure him further (based on my experience).”

Mr Fong, a 41-year-old funeral director, told the national broadsheet that he rushed to act because his first thought was to save the rider’s life.

He added that the motorcyclist was conscious and told him she was feeling very hot as she was pinned right near the lorry engine, prompting him to ask the lorry driver to turn his vehicle off as they waited for the ambulance.

Police investigations are ongoing.