Singapore—A concerned citizen snapped a photo of what appears to be a toddler sitting on the floor of the MRT next to the doors.

Facebook user Ogawa Konamoto was reportedly a firsthand witness to the alarming incident.

Upon noticing the toddler on the floor, he said he approached the father of the child.

However, the father seemed to ignore Ogawa’s reminder and even told him to “f*** off.”

Seeing as he did his best to intervene in the situation, Ogawa then uploaded the photo to a Facebook group called Complaint Singapore.

Many netizens were infuriated at the incident and called for the father to be reported to the authorities. Allowing a toddler to sit on the MRT floor is unhygienic, and the toddler is sitting dangerously close to the doors where someone could trip over him/her.

Others commented that if the baby were to get injured from the closing doors, everyone would have also be affected.

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On the other hand, one commenter said that we had no business “interfering” with how the father chose to raise his child. In response, a netizen answered that “it is the business of any responsible adult to point out the danger of that situation to the parents.”/TISG

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