A video of an employer yelling at her domestic helper for giving her son a biscuit has made rounds through the Internet and social media. Not only does the lady scream at her helper at the top of her lungs, she does so in public, at a playground filled with other parents and children.

The employer, as many netizens speculate, seems to be from the People’s Republic of China judging from her accent. At the start of the video, she can be seen yelling at another lady carrying what seems to be her child and she says, “You can eat it, but you cannot give him”.

The PRC lady blames the maid for her child’s eating habits and continues to scream, “You  the problem trouble, you the trouble-maker”.


She then demands to know all the foods the maid had fed her child.

“One by one tell me. Don’t tell lie!” she yells.

The replies of her domestic helper are inaudible but she can be seen to carry the child throughout her scolding.

See also  MOM: Employers no longer allowed to hold money for domestic helpers

Ironically, at one point in the video, the helper puts the child down. But the little boy refuses to go to his mother but wants to again be carried by the helper.

The employer then goes on to question the behavior of the maid at the playground.

“Why do you just sit on the chair and then just leave him here”, she questions.

Netizens were outraged at the treatment of the domestic helper, saying that at the end of the day no human being deserved to be humiliated in that manner, even if they were another’s employee. Others also said that the PRC lady should have gone home to settle her grievances with her helper and not do so in a public setting.

Many also allege that the incident took place in Hong Kong, but online reports, along with the racial profile of the other people at the playground suggest otherwise.

