SINGAPORE: An employer took to social media asking for recommendations on a device she could buy for her maid that was not a mobile phone.

In the comments section, however, others strongly suggested that the employer buy her maid a handphone lest she get one secretly.

In an anonymous post to a support group on social media for domestic helpers and employers alike, the woman wrote: “Hi.. any affordable device that I can buy for Myanmar helper to let her enjoy music? Pls do not suggest hp. I would prefer non hp devices, non ear piece devices. A radio will be good? Any recommendation?”

Here’s what others replied:


Earlier this year, a foreign domestic helper took to social media complaining about her employer and workload because she did not seem to have the same free time as other maids.

In an anonymous post to a support group on social media for domestic helpers and employers alike, the maid wrote that in her previous household, she was able to finish a two-year contract without any complaints about her work. “But this time I’m tired and I’m not able to manage my time..I can barely finished my work.. Woke up 5.30.sleep sometimes 11….day time no take nap. Take care 21 month Prepared lunch box. breakfast + dinner Meanwhile take care boy also”, she added.

Maid says she has “no time to play phone” like other helpers, and adds, “sometimes if my boss just help me, maybe I have more time”

See also  After maid fails to prepare breakfast, employer takes her to Batam and abandons her with $350