SINGAPORE: An employer took to social media asking what she should do because her son kept rejecting her new helper’s care.

In an anonymous post to a support group for domestic helpers and employers alike, the employer said she hired a Burmese maid three weeks ago. “Her work attitude is okay, i guess, have to keep telling her and reminding her what to do. Need to keep pushing. Her cooking skills is (sic) quite bad too”, the woman wrote.

Without stating how old her son was, the woman said that the boy did not seem to like the maid very much compared to previous helpers she had. “He rejects sharing room with her, rejects her coaxing him to sleep, reject her showering him etc”, the employer wrote, explaining that it made her very tired.

“This makes me really really tired as the responsibility falls back to me and I have a full time job. I can see that she tries but probably not hard enough to make him accept her. What should I do? Give her chance or send her back?” the woman wrote.

See also  Maid reveals that she is being forced by her employer to stay and work for them, wants to know if she can transfer out

Here’s what netizens who commented on the post said: