eleanor lee

SINGAPORE — Eleanor Lee, 23, a Singaporean actress, shared how happy she is with her body. In a recent Instagram post, the actress posted photos of herself by the beach wearing a yellow bikini by the pool under the sun. “Sun kissed skin,” she said in her caption. 

She also stated that she is now ‘just healthy’ and happy. “But now I’m just healthy, I eat, a little too much sometimes hahahhaha, but I’m happy! That’s so much more important,” she remarked.


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A post shared by Eleanor Lee 李凱馨 (@eleanorleex)

Eleanor Lee also said in her post that she had lost her confidence before and needed a ‘great way to kick off’ the new year. She then explained her story about her body image. 

“I used to be severely underweight, and people would always say wow you’re so beautiful, so pretty, I wasn’t starving myself, but I always felt like I need to to keep my body the way it is,” Eleanor added. 

Netizens could relate to her feelings and gave Eleanor Lee moral support by sharing their comments. 

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An IG user commented: “agreeed! sometimes cared about what people said is just wasting you time, and makes your insecurities burning up, i hope you can enjoy your day without heard what people say eleanor!! you’re worth just the way you are! hope you always happy and healthy cause it’s the most important to build your great day, so you can be more productive and enjoy to work! goodluck and we always love and support you”. 

Another IG user expressed: “I’m so glad that you’ve got a healthier body and mind. I’m all for health over beauty and most importantly I’m glad you’re Happy.” 

However, one IG user observed that even though the pictures were nice, she still looked skinny. 

A netizen also noticed that she looked like her mom, Quan Yi Fong, during her younger days in the second picture. 

Speaking of her mom, Quan Yi Fong also commented on her daughter’s post. 

Pretty sure your mom was in the water this time, by the pool, on the shore. Taken by jumping up and down,” said Quan.