Following the Progress Singapore Party’s (PSP) ‘PSP TALKS’ series, Dr Tan Cheng Bock shared the full speech of Yeoh Lam Keong, the former GIC Chief Economist and the session’s inaugural speaker.

Dr Tan explained that through that talk, PSP joined the important national conversation on social inequality and poverty.

He added, “I am most grateful to Yeoh Lam Keong, the former GIC Chief Economist, for being our inaugural speaker on the problem of poverty in Singapore. He spoke clearly and urgently, helping us to understand the depth of the problem – that many citizens do not even have enough to meet their basic needs”.

The PSP chief explained during the talk that Singaporeans are deeply concerned about poverty and urgent policy solutions that need to be taken were outlined.

“While many schemes have been introduced to help the poor, I agree with Lam Keong that there is urgent need to do more.

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The response to the talk was most encouraging and PSP will continue to engage on important issues by holding these talks and forums”, Dr Tan said.

In his own Facebook post yesterday, Mr Yeoh wrote, “Although I am, as a rule, a non-partisan social policy analyst, I was happy to talk at the PSP forum on Poverty in Singapore and Policy Gaps in our Social Safety Nets because this is the issue closest to my heart”.

He added that he had given “umpteen similar presentations” previously, and commented, “Would be just as happy to talk at a PAP function too, but for some reason but haven’t been invited yet”. /TISG