SINGAPORE: DJ Jade Rasif accidentally ate a caterpillar while eating her soup. In her Instagram story, the DJ casually eats her soup in front of the camera, while she suddenly realized that she had tasted something unusual. 

This unfortunate incident caused Jade’s eyes to widen with shock, as she put her hand (of course with long nails and classic black nail polish) on her mouth as she grasped the reality of her situation. Jade tried to remain calm but failed as she began telling her followers what had just happened. 

“Guys, are you ready to see what I just spit out… It’s alive!” Jade said alongside various high-pitched shrieks. “That’s right. When I say I want my soup fresh, I mean I want it so fresh… It’s still alive,” the DJ added to justify her experience. 

Jade jokingly stated that she kind of saved the caterpillar, then asked her followers if she should eat it. She put her tongue out acting as if she was going to lick it and really eat the little poor creature. 

See also  Customer finds dead caterpillar in her cai fan halfway done eating at Bedok

“I wouldn’t do [eat] that, I wouldn’t do that to you Pedro,” Jade remarked. Apparently, she already named her newfound friend. 

In the succeeding stories, the DJ shared that she had bitten Pedro’s backside off, and even though she was not sure if the caterpillar was dead or not before she accidentally ate it, she felt it curl in her mouth. 

“I ate his a*s so hard he [Pedro] he died,” she declared as she posted an update regarding the incident in her stories once again, this time showing herself in a bathroom doing a mirror selfie. 

“Wouldn’t be the first time tho… lol jk jk,” Jade humorously mentioned.