Two novels have gone viral after people noticed the eerie similarity between the viruses mentioned in them and the very real Covid-19 virus which has spread to multiple countries today.
The first book, titled The Eyes of Darkness, was by thriller writer Dean Koontz. According to a recent report by Must Share, the 1981 book follows the story of a woman named Christina whose son supposedly died while camping. After she gets a letter saying that her son is still alive, she goes in search of — and finds him. The intriguing thing is that her son is being held in a military facility after having been infected by a virus manufactured as a biological weapon by the Chinese military based in Wuhan. In the novel, the virus is called “Wuhan-400”.
However, despite the strange similarities between the fictional and the real Covid-19 virus, the “Wuhan-400” in the novel was carried only by humans and had a 100% fatality rate.

The second book, titled End of Days: Predictions And Prophecies About The End Of The World, was written by Sylvia Browne and published in 2008 — more than 30 years after The Eyes of Darkness and 12 years before Covid-19 struck. Browne, who claimed to be a psychic, foresaw that “in around 2020, a severe pneumonia-like illness will spread throughout the globe, attacking the lungs and the bronchial tube and resisting all known treatments”. She predicted that the outbreak would not last long but that it would return later on. “Almost more baffling than the illness itself will be the fact that it will suddenly vanish as quickly as it arrived, attack again ten years later, and then disappear completely.”

Netizens expressed shock at the eerie similarities between the narrations of the novels and current events around the world.