Cabby Tiffennie Low took to Facebook to call out taxi ushers at Changi Airport who discouraged patrons from boarding her taxi alleging that she did not accept cashless forms of payment, and who humiliated her by screaming at her.

In her Facebook post on Monday, she wrote that one of the ushers “started screaming and pointing to my vehicle. “You stupid ah!!!! So stupid!!!!! Really stupid la u!!!!” Right in front of so many people”, after she did not move into a lot they allocated her to wait in.

She also added that the ushers were “always screaming at the taxi drivers as thou we are working FOR THEM”.

Tiffennie also griped about how a passenger told her that the usher said her “premier taxi over there don’t accept nets or visa”, causing possible passengers to be discouraged from taking a ride in her cab.

Her post received almost 340 comments and 112 reactions, and she said, “I hope Changi airport would be able to give me an explanation. Really I am very traumatized by this incident. I am scared of going to Changi airport for passengers. Its like if I go there I must be abused by their ushers there”.

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A while after, Tiffennie also posted an update to her post saying that she was contacted by Changi Airport about the dates and times of the incident so that they could view CCTV footage.

She also added, “I was so happy that they gonna view the camera because before tbat I was told by the customer service hotline officer that Changi airport didn’t have the access to the camera”.

Tiffennie ended the update on her post saying, “These two days the ushers at Changi airport are more friendly then usual. Could be my imagination”.

Many netizens agreed with her and shared similar sentiments.
