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SINGAPORE: “Are Singaporeans generally rude / entitled?” This was the question posed by an online user on Sunday (Jan 7).

In an online forum, the post shared what the writer allegedly witnessed while out to dine: “Guy totally flips out and raises his voice at the waiter “OI, THIS IS HOW YOU SERVE FOOD ONE AH?” in a super condescending tone,” the post read.

Are Singaporeans generally rude/entitled?
byu/MrSezy insingapore

“Was dining at Genki,” the customer wrote. “A couple ordered ice cream parfait. I guess the cup toppled when the train was making its turn (although to be honest, all the contents remained inside and it was still edible, just have to pick up the cup).”

According to the writer, the male customer became “agitated” at this point.

“Could already see the guy getting a bit agitated (which I’m sure he’s entitled to, no problem, wanted to take a photo of the parfait),” the post read.

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“I think the server noticed it and returned the train immediately. Subsequently a server came out and passed them the parfait. To be honest, (it) could have been the same parfait from before, couldn’t really tell, but in my point of view, still totally edible and within the limits of proper food presentation.”

It was then the waiter got shouted at.

“At this point my partner and I feel super sorry for the waiter, not really his fault also,” the writer added. “Which made us think, are Singaporeans generally this easily ticked? Why did he have to be so rude to the waiter unnecessarily?”

Many responded to the post, sharing their two cents on the matter.

“In one word, yes,” wrote one, who did not mince words.

“I have worked in service and observed, Singaporeans are the worst to serve. Entitled, rude and expect miracles…to be very blunt, we avoid Singaporeans and rather serve foreigners.

See also  "Has the sense of entitlement become more apparent in Singapore?" — Netizen

And I feel only those who have worked their life in service before can and should pledge for these experiences. To be honest only those Singaporeans who have studied internationally are nice, more open and easier to talk.”

Another who also has experience working in the service industry said:

“As a service industry worker, yes. Also very kiasu, everything also want, if others get something, they must have it too. And I’m talking about below 40 people, older (generation) don’t need to even mention…(so) rude and entitled.”

Interestingly, back in July 2023, TikTok user Grace Cheng shared why Singapore is not one of her favourite countries as a traveller. In her video, she included that the “locals are pretty rude.” She also said, “Everything…cost us a fortune.”

Read related: ‘Rude locals, everything is so expensive’ — Woman lists reasons why Singapore not her favourite, many commenters agree