Singapore – The Workers’ Party (WP) and the People’s Action Party (PAP) delivered their constituency political broadcasts for the Aljunied Group Representation Constituency (GRC) on Friday (July 3).

WP was represented by party chief Pritam Singh.

Mr Gerald Giam and Mr Leon Perera delivered their speeches in English while Mr Faisal Manap delivered in Malay and Ms Syliva Lim in Mandarin.

PAP was represented by Mr Victor Lye and Mr Chua Eng Leong who spoke in English, Ms Chan Hui Yuh and Mr Alex Yeo spoke in both Mandarin and English and Mr Shamsul Kamar in Malay and English.

WP: To vote in MPs who would hold the PAP Government accountable

In WP team’s speeches, they appealed to the Aljunied voters by focusing on the government’s accountability.

In speaking about their experiences in parliament, Mr Pritam noted that they had “asked tough questions”. He also mentioned that the WP MPs have been “rational and reasonable” in supporting the government’s agenda when it is “on the right track” and opposing only when they find that it is not in the national interest.

“If you vote for a PAP team into Aljunied GRC, your new MPs will have to support the agenda of their party, and they may even need to watch what they say in order not to fall out of favour with their party leadership,” stated Mr Pritam.

He also noted that the services in the wards that the WP manages under the Aljunied-Hougang Town Council (AHTC) are functioning with ongoing renewal and improvement works. Similarly, he also said that AHTC’s financial position is “healthy” with the latest audited figure with a “surplus of S$7.9 million, more than double the accumulated surplus when we took over from the previous Aljunied Town Council in 2011.”

He also recalled the 2015 elections as a “close call” by winning by just 2,626 votes, he said, “Now, more than ever, your vote is essential to chart the kind of political system Singapore should have.”

In Mr Giam’s speech, he noted to not be “swayed by” the NCMP scheme. This is also echoed by Mr Perera who added that ” the voices of NCMPs can be ignored as they don’t carry the full mandate of the people”. However, the voices of fully elected opposition MPs cannot be ignored by the PAP.

He also gave examples of how WP MPs had spoken up to hold the Government accountable on issues such as spending on foreign student scholarships and proposed alternative policies on big issues like public transport, NS safety, and Redundancy Insurance.

See also  WP's Jamus Lim assures Anchorvale resident: "No issue is too small"

“But by voting for the Workers’ Party you will get constructive, responsible MPs who work hard in Parliament, while on the ground you’ll benefit from our experience in running the town council as well as the support of the (People’s Association), with the losing PAP candidate as grassroots advisor.”

PAP: Bring us home 

Mr Lye, who also contested for Aljunied GRC in 2015, re-iterated the “Bring us home” theme

and talked about how the Covid-19 pandemic cost people their jobs and livelihoods.

He said that his team will start a pocket money fund for disadvantaged children in Aljunied, as well as set up Jobs and Livelihoods Centres across the constituency.

“We need the whole of Singapore in this tumultuous time to come together as a national effort, led by the PAP to steer us through the troubled waters,” he said.

In Ms Chan’s speech, she outlined some initiatives that PAP intends to pursue for the residents in Aljunied such as getting help from their supporters and Merchants Associations to support the community in paying for essential services and tuition.

“Our help schemes will be based on trust and not on rules that make it difficult for you to get help when you need it,” she said.

Similarly, Mr Chua focused on what PAP has done for its residents such as adding new facilities. “Our infrastructure has improved, as we continue to engage the Government on your behalf and provide necessary ground feedback,” he said, adding that the team had fought “hard” for major projects such as a new polyclinic, a community hospital and four MRT stations on the upcoming Cross-Island Line.

“Our vision is for a caring community and a vote for us is a vote for change.”

Alex Yeo noted that “At this election, our message is a very simple one. We want to do more. More importantly, we want to do more with you, for you.”

This election, about 151,000 voters are eligible to vote in Aljunied GRC. -/TISG