
When you have a toy that you must treasure but discard as useless, it may come back to haunt you.

And this young man in the United Kingdom thought it would be good idea to have his sex organs removed.
The man claimed on Twitter that the surgery had effectively “castrated” him.

‘The minute I woke up from surgery, I knew I had made the biggest mistake of my life.’

He began to have regrets shortly after the operations and is now suing the NHS for negligence.
The unnamed man claims that doctors failed to warn him about the disastrous consequences of gender reassignment surgery, which has rendered him infertile and incontinent.
According to parties supporting the young man, this is the first medical negligence case involving NHS transgender care.
He claims he was approached about the surgery but delayed because he had reservations, but he went ahead out of fear that the care he had been receiving for his gender issues would be discontinued.
Transgender campaigners are saying it is hoped that this massive blunder will force the NHS to reconsider this kind of barbaric surgery on patients who are told by doctors that it will help them.
They also say the man has a very strong claim against the health service. “We believe he has been harmed,” they told the U.K. media.
Lawyers in Liverpool have taken on his case. It is about whether the NHS and its gender clinics adequately counselled him prior to the surgery five years ago.
The patient, who is in his thirties and was raised in the North of England, has de-transitioned from being a woman to living as a man again.
Before the surgery, to suppress his male characteristics and appear feminine, he took female hormone drugs purchased privately and later prescribed by his GP and an adult NHS gender clinic.
When an NHS psychiatrist asked him if he wanted gender reassignment surgery (GRS), he put it off for two years because he was unsure.
He also says he knew from a young age that he was gay.

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