The UMNO and the PAS now has one thing in common: Freak storms!

The Islamists holding their annual general meeting called ‘Muktamar’ in the state of Kedah last weekend saw a freak storm destroy part of their installations and tents, injuring 18 people in the process.

This reminded many of the freak incident in that happened At 7pm on 13 June 2013, when a freak storm in Penang caused massive havoc – uprooting trees, blowing off the roof of the 25-storey UMNO building, with deaths and injuries reported.

This is the second tragedy Penang has faced in one week.

This happened only weeks after the 13th General Elections in Malaysia, won by the Barisan Nasional (BN) under Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak with a reduced majority.

Footage of UMNO Building incident in Penang that caused the death of a hawker

Video footage of PAS annual general meeting in Kedah, showing the site destroyed partially by a freak storm.

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The Kedah incident, though of natural causes, and the Penang Umno incident were both given special treatment on local social media in Malaysia.

While the PAS recently said a series of floods in Penang is the ‘price paid by the opposition DAP’ for their wayward ways, netizens are saying the freak storm in Kedah are signs of ‘Godly’ intervention against the wrong doers who are bound to join the Umno-BN coalition.

In the 1999 elections, then Deputy Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi had a nasty experience during a rally in Kedah.

The stage on which the BN team was standing collapsed, resulting in the deputy PM falling off his chair onto the ground.

The election results were favourable to the opposition, winning more votes than any other elections since 1968.