Facebook user Rafiz Hapipi flagged Channel NewsAsia (CNA) for what he suspects is fake news in its website. He said that he went to the website to read their article on the Committee on the Future Economy (CFE), and was surprised to find an unverifiable report about a 25-year-old who made it big in Qatar.


Rafiz said that a simple Google search did not show any results for the 25-year-old, Joshua Wong, or the writer of the article, Wong Buk Song’.

“After many months of switching off from local news sources, I scrolled the pages of ChannelNewsAsia to read the CFE report. Nothing really fresh that I hadn’t already read from online forums news feeds… however, scrolling all the way down the page, under the header YOU MAY ALSO LIKE is a link to an article on a 25yr old Joshua Wong, a self made Singaporean Millionaire buying a penthouse in Qatar. The article is written buy a Wong Buck Song.

I tried googling both names and can’t find any reference to support the story. Then again, this is on CNA, surely it cannot be FAKE NEWS! All the most important reports and announcements by the region’s governments are released here. Hopefully CNA hasn’t been compromised… or has it????”

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