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While Sex Education is one of Netflix’s top TV programmes, many other shows share some of its most appealing characteristics. Mind you, if you want more of Netflix’s Sex Education, there are 20 sex shows to watch on the streaming channel.

But things are getting better for those who are frustrated for not getting it right despite watching these shows. There is an online class that will teach you ways to alter a woman’s perception of you in bed. And they mean business. It is the Australian sex toy brand ‘Normal’ that started it with the promise that it will help you smash better with this new intimacy master class.

If you heard before that sex is like pizza, according to an old adage, which means that even if it’s horrible, it’s still fairly nice. But with sex, the promoters say, it is unfortunate that this is not the case—bad sex is actually quite revolting.

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And to top it up in their promotion, they say if decent sex is enjoyable, great sex elevates the experience to a new level.

Normal is giving away a brand-new video, a sex master class called, “The Modern Guide to Sex” and it’s completely free.

While one of the Netflix shows in the French language promotes the rule of the ‘thumb’ in the sex life of an individual, Normal calls its class, “The sex-ed you wish you had in school”.

The course outline has a ‘Getting Started’ section with a chapter titled Foreplay and Arousal Techniques and another one ‘Having Better Orgasm.’

We stop here in order to not spoil your pleasure of finding the rest for yourself.

The class also teaches one how to discover the secrets to having great sex (alone or together) from certified sex coach Georgia Grace.

In this course, you’ll learn:

  • Tips and tricks to level up your pleasure skills
  • How to build sexual confidence
  • Techniques to improve communication with your partner(s)
  • Practical exercises designed to help you explore better sex
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The post Take this online sex class to alter your woman’s perception of you in bed! appeared first on The Independent News.