A 36-year-old woman in a 5-month relationship took to social media because her boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend re-entered his life, causing her to be worried.

In an anonymous post to popular confessions page SGWhispers, the woman wrote that she had met her 40-year-old boyfriend’s family and that they were planning to wed in the near future. She added that as her boyfriend revealed he was in a relationship with her on social media, “dramas start happening”.

Her boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend, A, decided to re-enter his life.

“Somehow, A message my bf this month, sharing heartfelt problem that she has, her self proclaimed depression and her lifelong regret. She said she wanted another chance, she regret on what was happened. She said she believe in karma.

She went to mrt station that close to my bf home and wait him there. She send messages daily and then she deleted it”, the girlfriend wrote.
She added that A continued messaging her boyfriend, even sharing a screenshot of her diary with him.
“After 2 weeks of no reaction from my bf. She send him snippet of movie reels about past regret and the actor said if a guy show you these traits, he is the right one for you.
I brought up this to my bf and he said that A is good person”, the girlfriend wrote.

“In fairness, my bf only become listener. He responded to her message as a neutral listener. He even didn’t offer meet up nor he call her.

My bf keep telling me to focus on us, focus on him. He wasn’t even response to her. And it is true”, she added.
While she noted that she was usually easygoing, she said that she could not control others. Admitting that she just needed to rant, she said that it would be a good decision for her to not react to the situation at all.
Netizens were encouraging in their comments. Here’s what they said:
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