Do more, spend less with these online services:

Satisfying your inner geek

1. Class Central
Offers subjects in 17 languages from 700 top universities, from business management to personal development. Plus, you can study at your own pace.

2. MIT OpenCourseWare
Massachusetts Institute of Technology published all of their course materials online to make them widely available to everyone. Some course requires submissions of assignments and projects that encourage students to take up their chosen course.

3. Academic Earth
Full-length lectures from universities like Yale, Berkeley or Princeton to playlists that introduce their courses and video electives. It also offers test preparations in ACT, GMAT, LSAT, MCAT and SAT.

4. Khan Academy
Partnered with institutions like NASA, The Museum of Modern Art and The California Academy of Sciences, Khan Academy offers thousands of instructional videos and interactive exercises. They even have “college admissions” to help you with choosing the right college and why it matters for your future.

Coding and programming 101

5. Hour of Code provides the leading curriculum for secondary grade computer science. Is also dedicated to expanding and increasing participation by women and underrepresented minorities.

6. Code Academy
Learn to code interactively. Code Academy does not only teach you how to make a website or learn JavaScript, but it also features stories wherein about people whose lives were positively transformed by coding.

7. Code School
Experienced and engaging instructors take you through course material, step by step, in their high-quality video lessons with entertaining content. Code School combines gaming mechanics with video instruction and in-browser coding challenges to make learning fun and memorable.

Becoming bilingual

8. Duo Lingo
Learn any language in a fun way. Earn points for each right answer in their game.

Fascinating reads

9. Project Gutenberg
An open library with over 53,000 downloadable books, from Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen to Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll and even The Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Also offer books in other languages like Dutch, French, Italian and Portuguese.

10. LibriVox
The Odysseys of Homer and The Illiad — name it and most probably LibriVox would have it. It is a repository of all books offered in the public domain, and in audio format. You can even volunteer and read their audiobooks.

One web page for every book ever published. This website is also an open project wherein your contribution is welcome, whether you add a book, write a widget, or fix a typo.

Fascinating flicks

12. Archive.Org
Not only does it offer free movies, but it also offers books, software, music, websites and more. They have Stock Footage, Sci-Fi/Horror, Comedy, and even Silent Films.

13. Documentary Heaven
This website is “food for your brain.” You can binge watch documentaries for free, from over 30 categories. Can’t decide? Check out their Top 100 documentaries to get suggestions like “Curiosity: The Questions of Life.”

Adding oomph to your work documents

14. LibreOffice
It looks like MS Office and Photoshop rolled into one free and open source software where you can unleash your creativity and enhance your productivity. Your documents will look professional and clean, regardless of their purpose. LibreOffice makes your work look great while you focus on the content.

15. Lost Type
A source for unique typefaces, with a collection of over 50 different faces from contributors all over the world. Lost Type fonts have been featured in projects for Nike, Starbucks, and Disney.

16. Font Squirrel
Font Squirrel makes it easy for you to find and download fonts. It also has an identifier where you can upload an image of a font you have that you are trying to match.

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17. Pxlr
An online photo editor. Easy to use as it is web-based and doesn’t require any registration.

18. Google Fonts
You can share and integrate typography into any design project seamlessly.

19. Trello
An online tool for managing projects and personal tasks. You can categorize and order text, photos and drawings whichever way you want.

20. Mindmeister
Visualizing your ideas is the most powerful way to communicate them to others. With MindMeister’s built-in presentation mode, you turn your mind maps into beautiful, dynamic slideshows within seconds.

21. Canva
Design stunning presentations that engage the audience with this free presentation software. Choose from hundreds of professionally designed layouts or even create your own unique design.

22. Freepik
Helps you find free vector art, illustrations, icons, PSD and photos for using in presentations, websites, banners, etc.

Boosting your productivity with white noise

23. Soft Murmur
Mix different gentle sounds together to wash away distraction.

24. Coffitivity
Love the vibe of coffee shops? Coffitivity recreates the ambient sounds you hear in cafés.

Decluttering your search engine and email.

25. Leechblock
An extension for the Firefox web browser designed to block those time-wasting sites that can suck the life out of your working day. You can specify up to six sets of sites to block and within a fixed time period. You can even set a password just to slow down in moments of weakness.

26. StayFocused
A Chrome alternative to LeechBlock. Once your allotted time has been used up on time-wasting websites, these will be inaccessible for the rest of the day. It’s highly configurable and very specific on what to block.

27. If This, Then That
IFTT manages the apps and devices you use every day. “Get weather forecast every day at 7:00 AM”, “Save your Gmail attachments to Dropbox,” “Track your work hours in Google Calendar,” all these and more.

Getting you into the zen zone

28. Calm
Meditate, breathe, sleep, relax. Calm gives you a choice whether to be guided or unguided during your relaxation.

29. Headspace
This is your very own personal trainer that help you train your mind. It also has an app that you can listen to anywhere, offline, or on the road.

30. Relax
Breathe slowly. Just follow the relaxing inhale-exhale command, and you’ll feel much composed.

Talking to a compassionate, professional therapist

31. 7 Cups of Tea
Confidential online text chat with trained and verified listeners.

32. Blah Therapy 
Online listening service. “Experience the rewards of venting to a stranger or lending an ear.”

33. MoodGYM
Learn cognitive behaviour therapy skills for preventing and coping with depression.

Planning your budget

34. Seedly
Banks? Credit cards? Expense tracking? You’ll discover the effortless way to stay on top of it all.

Donating to charity without spending money

35. FreeRice
A vocabulary quiz that lets you donate 10 grains of rice for every right answer. It is owned and supported by the United Nations World Food Programme, and has helped feed refugees and disaster victims from Bangladesh to Myanmar.

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