According to Government statistics on marriage and divorce, there’s one divorce for every four marriages in Singapore. Of course, these statistics don’t take into account the number of married couples who stay together despite infidelity. If this Straits Times article is any indication, the divorce rate might actually be MUCH higher if more people chose to divorce their cheating spouses instead of staying together.

There’s no doubt that adultery comes with a high emotional cost for all parties involved, but what about the financial consequences? What is the financial cost that comes with getting busted or trying to bust a spouse for adultery?

One thing is for sure, you don’t need to be a rocket surgeon to hypothesize that adultery is going to be an expensive mistake to make (or catch your spouse making).

I know. Some of you will say “Why isn’t divorce on here?” Well my friends, I think we can all agree that divorce is a VERY expensive result of adultery due to the legal fees, child support, asset division, etc. However, we’ll be evaluating some of the less visible ways that infidelity can cost you.

Here are three reasons why adultery can be more expensive than you realize:

You might rethink taking that off after reading this…


1. Because Making Up Is Expensive

They say breaking up is hard to do, but that isn’t true. Making up is even harder. Not just because you’ll have to humble yourself and face the emotional pain adultery causes, but because it will be expensive to win back the affection of your spouse.

Whether this means taking your spouse out to candlelit dinners, going on holiday together to “work” on the relationship, or buying an expensive “apology” gift for your spouse – it’s going to cost you.

Exactly how much it will cost depends on your bank account. But to make a point, let’s use Kobe Bryant as our “case study.”

After rape accusations exposed a possible infidelity, he purchased an “apology” ring for her – an 8-carat MONSTER that reportedly cost $4 million USD!

I’m not saying that you’ve got to fork out the equivalent of 3 lifetimes worth of income. But you can bet that you’ll need to pay a pretty penny to make up for your mistake.


2. Because Hiring a Private Investigator (PI) Is Expensive

In Singapore, one does not simply file for divorce under grounds of adultery without having proof of the betrayal. That being said, the Singapore divorce court needs evidence that can come in any of the following forms:

  • Confession: In ancient Rome, it was said that confessions were not valid unless torture was applied. In modern Singapore, you’ll just have to rely on your spouse’s willingness to confess to the act by his/her own accord.
  • Proof of Paternity: In cases where a child has been born out of wedlock, a paternity test showing that a child’s father is someone other than the husband is proof.
  • Video/Photographic Evidence: In cases where you’ve taken the step of hiring a private investigator to catch a cheating spouse in the act, photographic/video evidence of your spouse embracing or kissing another individual is proof.
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How expensive is it to hire a PI to tail your spouse? EXPENSIVE! The cost for hiring a PI to follow your spouse can range from $100+dollars an hour to $3,000+ a day. Most PI firms also insist on a 50% deposit up front as well.

If you turn out to be wrong about your “cheating” spouse or if the PI can’t get any evidence, you’re out several thousand dollars.


3. Because Blackmail Is Expensive

These days, it’s not uncommon to read stories on your Facebook wall about some poor individual who was blackmailed out of thousands of dollars because an online “companion” threatened to leak lewd photos, videos, or tell their spouse about the “affair.” I’d be willing to bet that these stories represent only a tiny fraction of the people who fall victim to this kind of crime.

While it’s easy to make generalizations, there’s no doubt that many of the victims of online “cheating” are blackmailed by foreigners pretending to be Westerners. It’s striking that in both Singapore and Hong Kong, overall crime has fallen – but online blackmail has DOUBLED! Of course, that’s not to say that you should worry about online blackmail. Anyone you’re cheating on your spouse with (the neighbor, a co-worker, etc.) has the potential to blackmail you.

This situation has the potential for being even more expensive than divorce because many blackmailers won’t stop until they’ve bled you dry financially. As shameful as it may be, just remember that it’s better to confess to adultery and notify the Singapore Police Force about the blackmail than lose tens of thousands of dollars to a scam that can empty your bank account. Follow us on Facebook as we show you ways to grow your money and not dump it all away for a moment of fleeting pleasure.

What are some other ways adultery can cost you? Share your views with us here!