As much as Gen X parents strive to offer their children the best upbringing, they are inadvertently missing out on passing down specific crucial life skills. While it’s not for lack of effort, a combination of busier lives, overwhelming societal expectations, and changing norms has led to essential lessons being forgotten. The result? Gen Z kids are growing up with gaps in their practical knowledge, from navigating conflict to the value of unsupervised play.

In an article published by Your Tango, here are life skills that, for better or worse, have been left behind.


Home economics classes may be a thing of the past, and with fast fashion’s dominance, the art of sewing has nearly disappeared. Gen Xers may have learned to patch up clothes or repurpose old garments but are not passing down these skills. Rather than embracing these mindful, sustainable hobbies, many are caught up in the rush of modern life and its consumerist culture, leaving their kids with few hands-on crafting skills.

Managing rejection

Generation X may have been accustomed to greater emotional resilience, but their children struggle to deal with rejection. Though well-meaning, overprotective parenting has left many Gen Zers unprepared to handle setbacks. From dating to professional endeavours, this generation is more likely to tie their self-worth to external validation, making rejection a much more challenging experience to process.

Fixing plumbing issues

In today’s fast-paced world, many Gen Zers don’t have the time or inclination to learn how to fix a leaky faucet or unclog a drain. While Gen X kids may have learned these practical skills as a necessity — often bonding with parents while troubleshooting home repairs — today’s kids rely on professionals, missing out on the sense of independence and pride of solving everyday problems.

Doing laundry and ironing clothes

The simple art of laundry is no longer a given in many households. Many younger generations dread it, and with good reason — it’s often easier for parents to do it themselves than take the time to teach. Ironing, folding, and basic garment care have become forgotten tasks in an era of convenience, with laundry apps and professional services making it too easy to ignore.

The strength of independent play

For many Gen Xers, childhood meant exploring the world with minimal supervision. Yet, many of today’s kids are denied the same freedom. In an era marked by intense safety concerns and the digital age, parents’ fears have led them to overprotect their children, sacrificing crucial opportunities for independence and self-discovery. This missing skill — the ability to entertain themselves and solve problems independently — has tangible benefits, with research showing that unsupervised play helps children become more confident and social.

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Staying connected during family check-ins

Generation X, often described as emotionally neglected during their formative years, didn’t have the emotional support or communication skills they needed from their parents. Many were expected to “parent themselves” early on, leading them to prioritize independence over emotional intelligence. Now, when they attempt to raise their kids, the lack of effective communication and emotional vulnerability can often be traced back to their childhoods, resulting in a breakdown of open family dialogues.

Budgeting with cash

Despite growing up with relatively straightforward financial situations, many Gen Xers never passed vital financial literacy skills to their children. Learning to budget with cash or balance a chequebook, once a cornerstone of personal finance education, is now a forgotten art. Instead of being taught by their parents, many kids today turn to online guides or apps — but without the hands-on experience that would have helped them make informed financial decisions.

Navigating without a phone

In a world where even basic navigation relies on GPS apps, Gen Z has grown accustomed to using their phones for almost everything. Gen X parents, who had to rely on maps and a keen sense of direction, are now raising kids who lack this fundamental skill. Their reliance on technology limits their ability to problem-solve and navigate the world non-digitally—a life skill that would have naturally developed in a less connected time.

Self-soothing techniques

For many Gen Xers, upbringing meant “figuring things out” alone. This self-reliance helped them develop self-soothing techniques for managing stress and disappointment. However, the trend of overprotective parenting has led many Gen Zers to struggle with emotional regulation. Their parents’ high expectations and avoidance of discomfort prevented them from learning to calm themselves in challenging situations.

Navigating in-person conflict

Gen Z kids are becoming experts at digital communication but fail to develop critical skills in navigating face-to-face conflict. Ghosting and avoiding confrontation via text or social media have become common, as many don’t know how to deal with difficult conversations in person. This avoidance stems from parents who didn’t teach their children how to manage conflict effectively, perpetuating a cycle of fear and discomfort surrounding difficult conversations.

Reclaiming ‘forgotten’ lessons

Ultimately, these ‘forgotten’ life skills reflect a shift in parenting styles and societal pressures. Gen Xers, busy balancing work, parenting, and the demands of modern life, often don’t have the time or resources to teach their children the essential skills they learned. As a result, future generations may lack the resilience, independence, and practical know-how that were once passed down naturally. The way forward may be to reclaim some of these forgotten lessons.

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