With the help of kind-hearted individuals, companies and charities, the Workers’ Party (WP) and their volunteers speedily furnished the new flat of a needy family who were devastated by a Personal Mobility Device-related fire.

Last Thursday (31 Oct), WP member Gerald Giam revealed that a rental flat in Fengshan was totally destroyed in a horrific fire involving a PMD. A teenage boy who was in the home barely escaped the fire with his life. While no one was injured, the family’s household belongings were destroyed in the blaze.

While HDB re-assigned the family to another unit, the WP assessed the family’s need for furniture and household appliances and said that the WP Community Fund will partner with others to help provide the family with household essentials. The WP Community Fund, a registered charity, was founded in 2014 to help relieve financial hardship for the needy.

Within days, the Fengshan community came together to help the needy family. In a Facebook post published on Sunday (3 Nov), Mr Giam shared that fellow residents, charities and companies reached out to him to offer household items to help the family and even came together to move the new furniture into the family’s new flat:

“It’s amazing how the Fengshan community got together to help a neighbour in need. Following my previous post, several fellow residents, charities and companies contacted us to offer their furniture, kitchen appliances and other household items to help the family affected by the fire.
“Residents in the nearby blocks and friends of the family got together on Friday for the “big move”. Their new flat is almost fully furnished and offers of help are still coming in. What an amazing example of gotong royong – a community helping each other!”

While the WP is not elected in the Fengshan ward, Mr Giam and other WP members regularly walk the ground to keep in touch with residents. The opposition party is expected to contest the ward in the upcoming General Election.

See also  Ex-WP MP Lee Li Lian criticises Heng Swee Keat's "embarrassing performance" in Parliament


WP Community Fund set to assist rental block resident whose flat was destroyed in PMD-related fire