

Timeliness is an important factor when it comes to either doing business or meeting friends and family. Furthermore, showing up on time for any occasions are regarded as something important as you may be wasting the other person’s time if you’re late. However, a woke woman feels otherwise, especially if a White person gets upset if someone is late. 

There are a number of articles that talk about this as an issue. Apparently, the Stanford Social Innovation Review has an opinion piece regarding this problem. It states that professionalism standards are shaped by White supremacy culture, favoring Whiteness in workplaces. 

The article apparently reveals how this manifests in hiring, dress code, speech, and work style. While White supremacy is often associated with violent groups, they redefine it as characteristics institutionalizing Whiteness as superior. Biased professionalism is evident in beliefs that traditional standards are unbiased, urgency over quality, perfectionism, and binary thinking. 

However, conservatives argue that being on time is simply someone being polite. Furthermore, this is something that is practiced throughout the world. 

Conservatives say being on time is not racist 

Conservatives on X argue that being on time is being respectful to the other person’s time. Following that, an X user states that justifying bad habits is a very liberal thing to do. Many are shocked to see the absurdity about this, as being courteous now is seen as something that is problematic. 


Now, X users are debating with each other regarding how other people talk about White people. Conservatives are using the liberal logic that someone from another racial group should not talk about individuals from another group. Some are disagreeing with this idea saying that people are free to comment about whatever they choose to. 


Some are even joking that their “husband” is polite and flushes the toilet everytime he uses it, and that is “exhausting” to them. Regardless, it seems that liberals have no more points to throw out there, hence they are openly talking about things like this. 

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The post Woke woman saying White people are “discriminatory” if they’re upset at POC not being on time appeared first on The Independent News.

ByAsir F