SINGAPORE: A woman who married a gamer took to social media ranting about how her husband’s gaming habit has started to affect their life.

In an anonymous post to popular confessions page, the wife wrote: “I was okay with gaming as a hobby when I dated my hubby. In fact, we often played games together and his friends envied him for having a girlfriend who enjoys gaming with him rather than asking him to stop gaming like many other girls. But after we got married, his gaming habit started to affect a few aspects of my life. So now I feel that gaming is an unproductive hobby and I dislike it”.

She explained that gamer guys treat games as more important than other tasks they are supposed to do like housework. When they spend more time gaming, their wives end up doing more of the housework, she added. “And some guys are so engrossed in their games that despite many reminders to do their share of the housework, they keep saying “will do later” but never do it”, the woman wrote.

“Second, guys are more uncivilised when playing co-op or competitive multiplayer games. They want to win the games so badly, they get emotional and curse or swear a lot. When they talk to each other over the mic, they cannot control their volume and their shouting can often be heard throughout the house. Many guys have anger management issues when they lose a game. Why must they react so negatively over a game which has no relevance to real life? I really cannot stand hearing vulgarities in my own home, especially when there are kids around”, she added.

She also wrote that guys who play games appear more “slack” than others. “I am just sharing my experience. And if you are a gamer who feels that your wife always nags at you and you don’t understand why she dislikes gaming so much, maybe this post can help you to understand”, she wrote.

Here’s what netizens who commented on the post said: