Singapore – For the first time since Oct 18, the weekly Covid-19 infection growth rate has fallen below one, a key indicator for easing restrictions.

On Wednesday (Nov 3), the Ministry of Health (MOH) reported 3,635 new cases of Covid-19 infection, comprising 3,223 community cases, 409 in worker dorms  and three imported cases.

Monday’s daily case total had slowed to 2,470 new cases, but Tuesday’s shot up to 3,635.

MOH noted however on Wednesday that the ratio of community cases for the past week over the week before is 0.96.

In its report, MOH said 12 people had died from complications due to Covid-19. They were between 59 and 99 years old and all had underlying medical conditions.

It was back on Oct 23, that Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong held out hope for easing Covid-19 curbs if the weekly infection growth rate dropped below one.

The weekly infection growth rate is the ratio of community Covid-19 cases in the past week over the week before. If the ratio is greater than one, it indicates that cases are growing while less than one means declining cases.

AT THE TIME PM ANNOUNCED THIS, the ratIO was 1.5. “If the ratio drops below one, and our hospital and ICU situations remain stable, we can ease some measures,” HE said.

“This will include allowing selected group sports and school activities to resume with appropriate safeguards, as well as allowing members from the same households to dine together at food and beverage establishments,” said MOH on Oct 23.

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Among other restrictions, no more than two people at a time can socialise on any given day, and work-from-home is still the default.

The same limit applies to people dining  at food and beverage establishments and both must be fully vaccinated.

The current curbs  are in place at least until Nov 21./TISG

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We can’t lockdown or simply let go and let things rip: PM Lee on Covid-19 situation