
A boat is setting a record that not many can beat. It is the first hydrogen boat in the world that can make its own fuel.

Meet the Energy Observer. It is the first hydrogen-powered boat which emits zero emission, zero noise and it uses a range of renewable technologies.

One of the system it uses is to produce carbon-free hydrogen from sea water to be self-sufficient in energy.

The crew of Energy Observer have been living together for several weeks without being able to set foot on land.

Because of the lockdown measures due to the COVID-19, the crew could not land any where but they survived admirably.

They get their food supply from boats that delivers to them, says a crew member in a video that you can watch here:

Energy Observer: A 100% self-sufficient system

The audio is in French but it has an English translation that makes it easier to understand how the crew has survived.

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This video here presents the new phase of Energy Observer’s round-the-world Odyssey for the remainder of its journey until 2023 (Japan, California, Asia, Oceania, Africa, the Americas, etc.), as well as the new technologies on board the ship.