Some people may need a reminder that helpers are human beings and not robots who can endlessly perform duties and chores that are given to them. This may be the case with one employer, who took 45 minutes to write down house rules, plus everything they expect their domestic helper to do.
The long and detailed list shocked netizens, one of whom termed it, “modern day slavery.” The list may be seen in a video posted on the Instagram page of @sgfollowsall. In it, the employer wrote, “Took me 45mins to wrote all these rules and regulations and the helper to-do list.” They then added, “Can I include doing cold calls when you are free,” which may or may not, be a joke.
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The list of Rules and Regulations includes items concerning how long the helper can use the phone, what time she is to sleep and get up, and what part of the home she can stay in when the employers are out.
- “No using of phone during working hour unless we call you
- Do not go out the house (sic) without Permission
- Bath (sic) after cook, finish housework & before you sleep. Twice a day.
- Only use phone at night when the kids are asleep *1 hour usage
- Do not lock your room,
- Only stay at the area with cameras when we are not home unless bathing or doing housework,” the list reads.
The employer also has a chore list that the helper is required to follow and mark as they are done, as well as a monthly calendar with more tasks listed.
The clip has gone viral, getting over 18,500 views since it was posted on Thursday (May 26).
Netizens expressed their shock and dismay in the comments.
One compared the rules to NS (National Service).
“if other families can have a peaceful time with their helpers without ground rules like this, then clearly your trust issues is a you problem,” wrote one netizen.
Others tended to agree and underlined that trust is important.
Others, however, defended the employer.
There were several references to slaves and slavery in the comments.
“If between you and your helper is all about rules, regulations and money, you will never going to have a helper that help you wholeheartedly!” another commenter wrote.