American President Donald Trump for the first time directly mocked Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee by casting doubt on her testimony during a campaign rally.

Ford is an American professor of psychology at Palo Alto University and a research psychologist at the Stanford University School of Medicine, who publicly alleged that U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her in 1982.

Ford testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee last week. She testified that Kavanaugh pinned her on a bed, tried to take off her clothes and covered her mouth in the early 1980s, when the two were teenagers. The Committee ordered a Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) probe against Kavanaugh after the testimony. Kavanaugh has denied Ford’s allegations.

The audience laughed as Trump ran through a list of what he described as holes in Ford’s testimony before the Committee.

“How did you get home? ‘I don’t remember,’” Trump said at the rally in Southaven. “How did you get there? ‘I don’t remember.’ Where is the place? ‘I don’t remember.’ How many years ago was it? ‘I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know.’”

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Imitating Ford, he added, “But I had one beer — that’s the only thing I remember.”

It marked the sharpest criticism by Trump of Ford since she came forward publicly with the allegation last month. He had previously called Ford a “very credible witness.”

Ford’s lawyer Michael Bromwich called Trump’s attack “vicious, vile and soulless.”

“Is it any wonder that she was terrified to come forward, and that other sexual assault survivors are as well?” Bromwich tweeted. “She is a remarkable profile in courage. He is a profile in cowardice.”