The TODAY newspaper quoting the Facebook post of a mayor of an Indonesia city reported that SMRT has submitted a bid for a public rail project in Bandong. The comments on the newspaper’s link to the story in their Facebook is nothing short of hilarious.
SMRT has submitted a formal bid for the construction of a public rail project in Bandung in consortium with an Indonesian engineering firm, T-Files Indonesia. In a Singapore Exchange (SGX) filing, SMRT said the bid for the “Framework of Investment Construction of Corridor 1 Rail-Based Public Transportation and its Supporting Facilities in Bandung City” was submitted on Sep 9.
The public transport operator said that they had not received any notification about the outcome of the tender and that the award of the tender would be subject to agreement on the terms of the project.
Indonesian media outlets have reported that SMRT is in talks with the Indonesian authorities for the construction of a Light Rail Transport (LRT) in Bandung City. Meanwhile Bandung mayor Ridwan Kamil wrote in his Facebook that SMRT had been awarded the tender for Corridor 1 and that if all goes well, construction would begin by next year.
Ridwan added that he hoped the project would help reduce congestion in the city.
Singaporean commenters who took to Facebook expressed that they were nothing but amused by the report.
The top commenter. Cheeyong Tay, with almost 300 likes to his post said: “You should get your own rail systems working in Singapore first before looking beyond. You can’t even cope with maintenance in Singapore and still want to be ambitious to look overseas.”
Another Facebook user Felina Felicia Stewart said: “Please perfect the rails in Singapore first..if not perfect at least reduce the track fault errors/delays/breakdowns in a year to less than 5? Or else please don’t even think of starting this rail systems with Indonesia or any other country..”tolong”!”
And Chan CL commented: Can’t even get it right at home and still want to do it for another country. Lol. Either Indonesia is stupid or SMRT is a very convincing seller. ????.
But this comment by Aliff Bin Ramzan Ali tops all others.
“They give us haze, we give them mrt that will breakdown.”