Singapore—US Marines learned jungle survival techniques from the Singapore Armed Forces this week, part of which was to eat durian, as shown in a post on the 1st Marine Division Facebook account on April 24.

Due to the notoriously pungent nature of the fruit, many netizens poked fun at the Marines’ expense, although durian is a much-beloved delicacy in South East Asia.

A couple of the photos showed sweaty-looking Marines sampling both jackfruit and durian, though not with any obvious enjoyment.

Here is the post in full:


This week, U.S. Marines participating in Valiant Mark 2019 learned jungle survival techniques from the Singapore Armed Forces. During this training, they learned how to prepare and cook food, make fires, and building shelters using resources found in the jungle.

Exercise Valiant Mark 2019 is a bilateral exercise between Singapore and the United States which builds and maintains lasting international relationships and exchanges tactical knowledge.

(U.S. Marine Corps photos by Lance Cpl. Roxanna Ortiz)
U.S. Marine Corps The Singapore Army Pacific Marines MARFORPAC

Comments on media outfit mothership, which carried the story of the Valiant Mark 2019 exercise and included a number of details about the exercise, concentrated mainly on the Marines’ experience with eating durian.

One commenter joked that durian is the best MRE, or Meal Ready-to-Eat, which are rations that the US Army provides their soldiers with during combat or when food facilities are not at hand.

See also  90-cent durians at FairPrice Bedok draw long queues

Another netizen wrote that the durian shell could be used as a weapon, to which other commenters added that it could be used as armour, shoulder pads and helmets, and a grenade as well.

Others joked that the smell of the durian could easily give the location of soldiers away.

Others joked that durians could be used as an instrument of torture because of its strong  smell.

Another commenter said that durian breath would make a powerful weapon for the Marines.

One woman wrote that eating durian earned the Marines bragging rights.

One commenter said that if the Marines could tolerate the smell, they can survive anywhere.

And one netizen showed his obvious delight at all the fun that was made at the Marines’ expense.