Singaporeans seem to be divided when it comes to their take on a video where school children are seen throwing rubbish into a drain.
An online user on Wednesday (Oct 5) took to social media to share a video that captured four young children by a drain. In the video, they were all leaning against a railing when one of them throws something in.
The almost two-minute-long clip was shared on Facebook group, Singapore Incidents. It has garnered more than ten thousand views in less than a day of its posting.
Some netizens called the behaviour out, with one even saying the children had a “bad attitude” and “need to be guided.”
However, others didn’t see the need to be so serious about such matters, considering the young age of the individuals in the video.
“Were you not one of those kids before when you were around their age?” wrote one netizen, “Let’s kids be kids. (In) your time, maybe (you were) able to throw marbles, throw papers in the classroom, and climb trees. Now, where can our kids destress themselves other than computer games? Give our kids a break.”
Still, another encouraged lightheartedness, and said, “Let kids be kids. We all did this in our younger days. Let’s keep the tradition alive.”