A Facebook user Bryan Lim has commented on the Facebook group We Are Against Pink Dot saying, “I am a Singaporean citizen. I am a NSman. I am a father. And I swore to protect my nation. Give me the permission to open fire. I would like to see these £@€$^*s die for their causes.”
He was commenting on the hate-groups post about ‘Say No to Foreign Intervention‘.
Another Facebook user Audi Khalid in pointing out Bryan’s post said:
“I wonder what Canon Singapore has to say about this employee of theirs, one who expresses his willingness to shoot gays with bullets if given the chance.
This man is also an educator, a reservist with the police, and a father.
Edit: I simply have to underscore the real threat comments like this have on us. Gay clubs and bars have always been safe sanctuaries for us to congregate at. The Orlando shooting has made it clear this is no longer the case. I am aware this comment was made in reference to Pinkdot, however. But that doesn’t make it less of a threat.
It is unnerving to think that, with comments like this, someone can simply walk up into our local gay bars and clubs in Neil Road, or at any of our massive gay parties, with the intention of serious hurt or murder. For whatever little is left of sanity in this world, this can NOT be tolerated. Not in Singapore. Not anywhere else.”
Bryan’s LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bryan-lim-6b500559
His Original comment is here: https://www.facebook.com/…/waa…/permalink/1037213022982161/…