A father took to social media to write about the disparity in the treatment his daughter was given, as compared to foreign students.

The man, Raymond Tan, wrote about how he felt watching foreign students have their university education sponsored in Singapore when his own daughter was denied a place in a local university and he had to pay for her to study at SIM, a private university.

Tan’s comment was shared on social media by Chief of People’s Voice Party, Lim Tean.

In his post, Lim Tean directly addressing the Minister for Education, wrote, “Ong Ye Kung, are you listening? Instead of addressing the issue of grants and scholarships head on, don’t try and obfuscate the issue by talking about the overall education Budget! Singaporeans are not idiots .

Peoples Voice wants free education for all Singaporeans”.

Photo: FB/Lim Tean

Lim Tean’s post was sparked by Tan’s comment, who said, “My wife and I paid for the education of our 3 children. My daughter had to go to SIM a private Uni because even with her good Poly results, the local universities don’t consider her good enough. But then the PAP is offering free university education to foreigners and denied my daughter a true blue born in Singapore girl, the chance to be in a local university”.

See also  Chief of People’s Voice party Lim Tean disputes allegedly unpaid loan of US$150,000

He griped that he had to pay a lot more for her education because it was at a private university and he felt that she was denied a place because of a foreigner.

“Where is the bloody justice of it all in being born in Singapore? Why are we giving all these goodies to foreigners who uses (sic) Singapore as a stepping stone to the West while we Singaporean parents struggle with financial difficulties to put our Singapore born children through their education?” he questioned.

Raymond’s post was left as a comment on Lim Tean’s Facebook post.

TISG has reached out to Raymond for comment and clarification. -/TISG