“Omg im so scared,” wrote one woman after the ride she took proved to be more dangerous than she had bargained for.

A netizen named Hà Nhung posted on her personal Facebook page photos and a video of her driver from the rearview mirror of the vehicle, with the man looking like he was very sleepy indeed.

In the five-second video, the driver’s eyes appear to be closing several times. Anyone who has ever fought to stay awake would easily recognise the man’s movements.

Ms Hà wrote, “Today when i go work i take RYDE  this driver sleep 3 time when i see… #Ryde #LTA

She added in the comments that at one point, the vehicle she was riding in almost hit another car.

She also wrote that she had tried to talk to him, but he was too tired.

“Luckily, nothing happened,” she added.

It also seems as though she tried other ways to keep the driver awake.

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Concerned netizens advised her on what to do in such situations.

Her post has since gone viral, having been shared over 1,500 times, including on the popular COMPLAINT SINGAPORE Facebook page, where commenters had the same opinion.

Many were compassionate toward the driver, however, commenting that perhaps he’s been overworked or very tired.


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