Singapore – In response to the Government’s announcement that Phase 2 of the relaxation of circuit breaker measures will begin on Friday (June 19), members of the public took to social media to urge one another to continue taking precautions like wearing masks and  practising safe distancing. Some said they will continue to spend more time at home.

This relaxation of the second phase of a three-phase circuit breaker was announced on Monday (June 15) by the multi-ministry task force on Covid-19. More business and social activities would resume, and social gatherings would be allowed, given the number of people does not exceed five members. Households can also receive up to five visitors at a time.

Here is a breakdown of the activities and businesses that will resume on Friday:

  • Dining in at restaurants and hawker centres would be allowed, with each table being limited to five people.
  • Personal health and wellness and home-based services like private tuition, enrichment or piano lessons except singing or voice training lessons would be permitted.
  • Retail shops and other public facilities like parks, playgrounds, stadiums, swimming pools, golf courses, bowling centres and fitness studios will be allowed to reopen. The same applies to similar facilities in private establishments such as gyms located in condominiums and clubs.
  • Registered clubs and societies are being given the go-signal to operate beginning Friday. Meanwhile, face-to-face visits at nursing homes can resume but would follow precautionary measures. All healthcare services and services for seniors such as aesthetic, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), senior activity centres and eldercare services would gradually resume operations.
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Individuals are still advised to practice safe distancing and keep at least one metre apart from others. Everyone should continue wearing face masks when outdoors to limit the risk of spreading and acquiring the Covid-19 virus.

Higher-risk activities and locations such as religious services, congregations, conferences, trade fairs, karaoke outlets, bars, nightclubs, cinemas, theatres, libraries and museums will not be allowed to reopen on Friday as these areas can be sources for new clusters, said Health Minister Gan Kim Yong, who co-chairs the task force with National Development Minister Lawrence Wong.

The complete list of businesses and activities allowed to reopen can be accessed at the Ministry of Trade and Industry’s website.

Here are some of the comments on social media on the relaxation of the second phase of the circuit breaker:

Photo: FB screengrab
Photo: FB screengrab
Photo: FB screengrab
Photo: FB screengrab
Photo: FB screengrab
Photo: FB screengrab

More calls to … order takeaways, stay home, wear masks, practise social distancing, avoid crowds, etc.

Photo: FB screengrab
Photo: FB screengrab
Photo: FB screengrab
Photo: FB screengrab
Photo: FB screengrab
Photo: FB screengrab


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ByHana O