On Nomination Day, Minister for Culture, Community and Youth Grace Fu released a video highlighting her nine promises to residents of Yuhua.

Ms Fu started off by thanking residents for trusting her with the responsibility of being their leader for the past 14 years. She went on to compare how much people’s lives change in 7-year cycles- making the transition from Primary school at 7 to secondary school at 14 and finally entering adulthood at 21.

“Your collective needs will direct my work,” she assures residents, speaking of how she listens to their needs through weekly house visits and through chatting with them in local coffee shops.

The nine promises she made to the residents of Yuhua are as follows:

  1. Free hot meals for the elderly and the vulnerable.
  2. Retirement sum contribution for 200 seniors with no or low retirement savings.
  3. Support for needy families with young children
  4. Localized, skills-training programmes, enhanced employability and job matching for residents.
  5. More responsive Municipal services and an improved living environment for all
  6. A safe, environmentally-friendly and green constituency
  7. A new, bigger and more vibrant community club.
  8. Improving barrier-free movement for the elderly and the disabled.
  9. Help for all to get through the COVID-19 pandemic.
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In these upcoming elections, Ms Fu will be facing off against Singapore Democratic Party newcomer Mr Robin Low in the Yuhua Single Member Constituency (SMC). This will be the third consecutive elections where Yuhua SMC will be contested by both PAP and SDP.

Netizens were overwhelmingly supportive of Ms Fu’s speech, with many commending her realistic approach to handling the problems residents of Yuhua faced.

Photo: FB Screenshot, Grace Fu
Photo: FB Screenshot, Grace Fu