On Monday (19 Jun), the Straits Times (ST) suddenly released a survey result saying that “most S’poreans want Lee family spat settled privately”.
This would, of course, would put pressure on PM’s siblings, Hsien Yang and Wei Ling, to stop posting Facebook messages which continue to embarrass the PM.
Most damning is the part where they have accused their elder brother, PM Lee, of abusing his power as PM. They also said they do not trust him and have no confidence in him as a leader of Singapore. PM Lee, of course, denied these allegations.
In the ST report, it said that a total of 100 Singaporeans were surveyed and its results show 80% “were of the broad view that the dispute over the late Mr Lee’s will and the fate of the original family home at 38, Oxley Road is a matter best resolved in private”.
Only 20% said a public airing of the dispute between PM and his siblings is necessary, given the PM’s position.
Online survey
To check if ST survey results were valid, an online poll was conducted asking the question: Should an independent public hearing be conducted in light of allegations made by PM Lee’s siblings against him?
Of the 664 votes received as of today (21 Jun), a whopping 87% said “YES” to an independent public hearing, directly in conflict with ST’s 20%.

A similar online poll conducted by theindependent.sg also showed that an overwhelming percentage wanted an independent inquiry to be held.
Of the 392 votes, 88% said “YES” to an independent inquiry, in view of the serious allegations made against PM Lee by his siblings, and 69% said “NO” to having the Lee family members settling the matter privately.
So, who do you believe? Online independent polls or ST poll?