SINGAPORE: In response to a public sign instructing residents not to hang laundry in a playground, online users have flocked to the comments section of a post calling it “the most Singaporean sign”.
An online user on Saturday (March 25) took to an online news forum for dialogue on all things Singapore to share a rather interesting sign spotted at a playground.
The instructions on the printout were plain and simple. “No hanging of laundry @ the playground,” the sign read. The photo was captioned, “The most Singaporean sign.”
Many online users took to the comments section of the post. While some shared a laugh, others shared their disbelief over how people could do such a thing.
“Proceeds to hang (clothes) on the sign itself,” one wrote sarcastically. Another said, “I will hang it around the perimeter then.”
However, others commented on some suggestions as to how to get people to comply with the playground rules.
“No one will heed it if they cannot understand the message,” wrote one. “Put it up in Mandarin please.”
Another wrote, “Should add a fake S$300 fine sign and confirm nobody will hang their laundry there.”
“I (also saw people in my area) hang clothes with bamboo sticks when (it’s) hot…sun dry(ing) (is) faster. (It’s) better (to) hang (them) at home or (they get) dirty again,” added one.
Still, another expressed disbelief that there is even a need for such a sign, writing, “Who hangs laundry at playgrounds? I can’t believe that we need a sign for it.”
Since its publication, the post has gotten an “upvoted” score of 97%.