Responding to our report on the notice to apologise sent to Workers’ Party chairman Sylvia Lim, many of our readers expressed on Facebook yesterday that they are standing by Ms Lim and have urged her not to apologise.

Leader of the House, Grace Fu, asked Ms Lim to withdraw her “allegations” that the government had “floated test balloons” about the Good and Services Tax (GST) hike coming between 2021 and 2025. Ms Fu gave Ms Lim a Thursday deadline (by the end of Parliament’s sitting for the Committee of Supply debates) to withdraw her “allegations” and apologise.

Facebook user Tay Beng Swee said: “Ms Lim, I don’t think you need to apologise as I think you have done nothing wrong. On the contrary, I think you were carrying out your duties as an elected MP to express your views in Parliament.”

Calvin Koh: “Should someone start a “we stand by Ms Sylvia Lim” at Hong Lim?”

Ng Alfred: “Sylvia Lim has every right to ask questions in parliament. ..the ruling party had to ask her questions…just answer…and move on. Apologise my foot…89 try to bully a brave lady.”

Kenneth Seah: “Isn’t this like the schoolyard bully wanting an apology? ????????”

Kevyn Ho: “If MP cannot ask questions and challenge the government, then no need for parliamentary debates… just issue each MP with a rubber stamp that says I AGREE lah”

The comment with the most number of ‘likes’ suggested that it was Ms Fu who had to apologise.

Mohan Sinnapillay: Grace Fu owes two apologies. First for saying Olympic Games won’t be broadcast live only to change track after public displeasure. Next for paying $400,000 for a dustbin consultant, which reflects her stupidity. Ask her to apologise to the country.”

Others faulted the PAP’s “bullying tactics”.

See also  MP Murali Pillai finally apologises over fire hose reel issue, reveals town council staff will be disciplined

Justina Yapp: “Demanding apologies has been the ugly hallmark of the PAP government. From the time of LKY until now, their arrogant bullying tactics have not changed. They use their Parliamentary majority to bully, to laugh at and to demand apologies from the WP MPs. There is absolutely no reason for Sylvia to apologise. What makes the PAP government think that they have refuted her claims and her suspicion? Just because they say they have planned ahead, are we to take their word for it? Are we to give them our unfailing trust carte blanche, when they have flip flopped so many times before? When they have broken their word and their promises to us? When there is a total lack of information and transparency on their part?”

If Ms Lim refuses to apologise, she may be referred to Parliament’s Committee of Privileges for investigation and disciplinary actions. The Committee is empowered to mete out punishments from scoldings to jail terms not extending beyond the current Parliament session. The Committee however cannot remove anyone as an MP.