Singapore—Dr Lee Wei Ling’s recent Facebook post concerning the preparation of the will of her father, Singapore’s founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew on Tuesday morning, April 30, has been widely reacted to, commented on, and shared by many netizens.

Dr Lee posted an email from LKY’s lawyer, Kwa Kim Li, who denied having been involved in the events that led to the preparation of Lee Kuan Yew’s will in 2013. The email clearly showed that Ms Kwa had been aware of LKY’s wishes to give all his children equal shares in the estate.

The founding Prime Minister’s will has been an issue of contention within the family and also a legal issue, since Lee Suet Fern, the wife of PM Lee and Dr Lee’s brother, Lee Hsien Yang, is now facing a disciplinary tribunal called for by the Attorney-General’s Chambers (AGC) for her alleged role in helping prepare the will of LKY.

In January, a case of “possible professional misconduct” in the preparation of Lee Kuan Yew’s final will was referred to the Law Society by the AGC, and Lee Hsien Yang recently wrote that the AGC had filed “over 500 pages of complaint” against his wife.

Messages of support

Amidst the accusations and lawsuits, netizens have expressed their support for both Lee Wei Ling and Lee Hsien Yang. Dr Lee’s post has been reacted to, commented on, and shared by many.

Many netizens have been vocal with good wishes for the siblings of PM Lee, although one person wrote that he believed that some Singaporeans refrained from commenting on social media “because of the control of freedom of speech in Singapore.”

XiangRen Tan wrote, “I am with you and a lot of Singaporeans are with you even though they might not post on social media because of the control of freedom of speech in Singapore.

Everyone is afraid to be sued until their pants drop, because we are not brothers and sisters.

Please stay strong and take care of your health to continue with the fight for what is right.

I believe this would be your father’s wishes as well, because your father has always been a fighter for the right values and to put things right.”

Commenter Bella Bella wrote on the social media accounts of both Lees. “Pls save Spore!!  U hv all our support! Take good care n Thank U very much!”

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Das Thulasidas wrote, “Thank u Dr. Lee for sharing. Understand, u have my support.”

Other netizens wrote simple and heartfelt messages that they believe Dr Lee and Lee Hsien Yang.

Netizen Eugene Chan wrote, “Dear Dr Lee and Mr Lee HY. Both of you have my support in this mammoth uphill battle against the might govt machinery.”

Contesting in the next GE

A netizen named Michael Ng encouraged Lee Hsien Yang on his Facebook page to join in the next General Election. He wrote, “Contest the upcoming GE. Singaporeans love the truth and will support you all the way to victory, so that good reputation of Singapore and glory of your father, LKY can be restored in due course.”

While Yvonne Foo commented on Dr Lee’s post, “Nothing but the truth should be known to the public. Hope to see Yang and his son start a new opposition party. New Era, New Laws. We need change.”

Eng Heng Teo  wrote, “Would you like to help Singapore join the opposition, without your help Singapore still the same under the same rule.”

Chew Eng Ong suggested that the Lee siblings join forces with Tan Cheng Bock.

“Why don’t you and your second brother stand for election, together with Tan Cheng Bock, in a GRC against your elder brother. It is one way to get back at him. It is the only way to bring peace and justice in your family.”


Read related: Lee Wei Ling posts email proving LKY’s will was made by Kwa Kim Li