Sharing a photo of a bald Mynah bird on social media, netizens joked that its hair loss was due to an overconsumption of MSG. Excessive use or consumption of Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) has been associated with obesity, metabolic disorders, hair loss and detrimental effects on the reproductive organs.
The photo of the Mynah, posted to Facebook group Singapore Wildlife Sightings by a netizen known as Stanley Tan was captioned as “Bald vulture spotted in SG”. His post, on Monday (Jun 21) quickly drew comments from others in the group stating that the bird was a Mynah. Many also joked as to why the bird was bald.
Earlier this year, a rather daring Mynah bird decided to take a quick stretch break on the bonnet of a car last Friday (Jan 14).
The bird, which sat on former National Coach Ghana Segaran’s car last Friday evening, did so for about six minutes before it made its way off. Mr Ghana told TISG that as he was driving, he stopped at the Sengkang Riverside Park to take a call. The car had stopped, but the engine was still running, with the radio still on, when the bird decided to hop on.
“I was quite surprised”, said Mr Ghana, 67.
“My car engine was switched on, yet the bird did not fly away. It was sitting there (on the bonnet) and looking around and at me”, he said.
He also noted that the bird did not seem to be injured in any way. Even when a car passed by and stopped in front of his car, it maintained its position, even stopping to stretch at one point.