Singapore – “The Wuhan coronavirus, it’s everywhere, and it’s making my mom scared,” said Nuseir Yassin on his latest video featured on his platform Nas Daily.

The video began with Nas on the phone with his mom, who was expressing her concern for her son. He noted that of the 40 people infected with the Covid-19, one was living right next to his house.

“This video is for my parents and probably for your parents because for the first time ever I want to show you how Singapore is fighting Coronavirus,” said Nas.

Nas went on to explain how Singapore responded to the outbreak. “They immediately closed the country to the virus,” he said. Anyone with a fever doesn’t get through by land, air or sea. Singapore has made it “very, very hard for the coronavirus to travel to this country.”

He added that inside Singapore, intense cleaning is happening, from bus poles, playgrounds, schools and food courts, to the lift buttons.

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“And then they did something crazy,” said Nas. “They hired the army to pack masks in the millions for every single household in the country, and they gave them out FOR FREE.”
The country also made it illegal for supermarkets to increase the price for the other masks, he added.

The vlogger commented that “It’s game on,” should someone still get the virus after all the preventive measures being implemented. The patient is sent to the hospital in a matter of hours, and everyone that contacted the patient is immediately checked to make sure they weren’t infected.

“And if the current data is right, this person has a 98% chance of recovery,” Nas noted.
He highlighted the fact that there are people who have recovered from Covid-19 because “Corona, at the end of the day, can be healed,” said Nas.

The video also featured a couple of healthcare staff at the frontlines of the outbreak reassuring everyone that “together, we will get through this.”

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“Despite the panic, the coronavirus is an amazing opportunity to see acts of kindness from good people who volunteered their time to the infinite amounts of health workers who are working non-stop to fight it,” said Nas.

The vlogger mentioned that panic is more contagious than Covid-19, and it is “the last thing we need.”

Watch the full video below:

The response of the online community toward the video, however, was not entirely positive, with many criticising Nas to be an attention seeker.

Photo: FB screengrab/ Nas Daily
Photo: FB screengrab/ Nas Daily

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