Singapore—Not all heroes wear capes, as the saying goes. Some go about in our midst every day, like a certain MRT station officer, who had the presence of mind to grab a little boy who had fallen from a moving escalator.

And though he injured his knee in the process, Mohamed Ferdaus Mohamed Yusoff managed to pull the five-year-old to safety.

The Straits Times (ST) reports that at shortly half-past 6:00 in the evening of Tuesday, September 24, while he was on duty, Mr Ferdaus, saw a little boy dangling from around the midpoint of the side of a moving escalator at the Sixth Avenue MRT station platform.

He then very quickly ran up the escalator, which was moving,  so he could reach the boy. Just before the escalator reached the top part, Mr Ferdaus grabbed the boy and pulled him over the handrail to safety.

The movement of pulling the child up caused Mr Ferdaus to lose his balance, but the boy came to no harm, as he landed on his rescuer.

And then, Mr Ferdaus quickly pressed the emergency stop button.

An eyewitness told ST, that what happened was like a “scene out of a movie.”

The 39-year-old Mr Ferdaus, a senior assistant station manager with SBS Transit, said that he had earlier seen the boy with his mother, who was walking ahead of him pushing a younger child in a stroller.

He saw the little boy playing with the handrail of the escalator, watching his hand as it moved up.

Mr Ferdaus told ST, “I heard a loud commotion, turned, and saw the boy hanging off the escalator with one arm and one leg dangling.

I immediately dropped my work pouch and bolted up the steps, following my instincts. I was just thinking to myself, ‘Please let me reach him in time’.”

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The rescue took all of 6 seconds.

According to eyewitness Madam Tan, “The staff member was so heroic, everyone else just stood dumbfounded,” noting that MR Ferdaus had sustained injuries to his knee during the incident. The injuries caused him to stay home and rest the following day, but was back at work by Thursday.

Tammy Tan, the senior vice-president of corporate communications at SBS Transit said that the company “is very proud of Ferdaus.”

“He had displayed great courage and selflessness, and his swift action averted what could have been a very tragic accident.

We will be commending him for his heroism.”

But the everyday hero responded with modesty to the praise, saying, “I was just doing what I could. If it is to save a life, like in this case, I will save a life.”

Member of Parliament Grace Fu also praised Mr Ferdaus, writing on her Facebook account, “A heroic act in my mind.He seemed like an ordinary Singaporean, like many working in our public transport sector who keep our country moving, but on this day he did something extraordinary that saved a boy’s life. This act was the most critical moment in the lives of the boy and his family as without it, the consequences would have been disastrous. I am inspired by Mr. Mohamed Ferdaus Mohamed Yusoff of SBS Transit. He showed us that Singaporeans are capable of doing great things. Thank you for showing us that we are capable of being caring, courageous and selfless. #extraordinarysingaporean
#singaporehero #selflessact #hero #lifesaving” / TISG

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