After the sad news of the death of actor and Singapore Armed Forces Operationally Ready National Serviceman Pang Wei Chong, Aloysius, many are expressing their condolences while some are sharing their personal experiences while on In-Camp Training (ICT) in relation to the recent tragic event.
One political figure who is also the Secretary-General of the Workers’ Party, Pritam Singh, has spoken up.
On January 24, Thursday, he shared the following in his Facebook account:
“Sad news while on In-Camp Training.
I have been back in green since Monday on ICT. Like many Singaporeans, I have been both anxious and worried about one of our NSmen who suffered a training accident in New Zealand, particularly after his medical condition deteriorated. Having been in uniform for the last four days, the news of his death last night is more acute, with the loss of a fellow NSman hitting closer to home.
National Service training has evolved to become more focussed over the years. The food quality has increased by leaps and bounds. We have become more conscious of safety and balancing it with realistic training. The quality of our personal equipment, uniforms etc. is better than before. In spite of the changes, one thing remains constant. That sense of camaraderie – regardless of rank, race or religion when we swap our civvies for uniform, even if it is only for a few weeks a year.
Rest in peace Aloysius Pang. Like all NSmen and NSF personnel who have passed on while on duty, we pray for strength for their families and loved ones through difficult times. And we stand with them.”
Netizens, especially parents, are urging Pritam Singh to “speak up for the dead” and start asking the Parliament the hard questions.

The comments that talk about a parent’s personal experience of losing a child while in training are heart-breaking. Lyn Nimbooda said that “she would rather lose her son in the battlefield than losing him on a training field.” Many are in agreement.

Many also do not understand why the rate of accidents is still going up when according to the SAF, safety procedures have been heightened.

For more info on the latest news on Aloy Pang, read on below