Youth shares idea how anyone could afford HDB in Singapore, even without ‘high salary and big savings’
Limited financial capacity and difficulty securing bank loans are a few challenges Singapore youths face when buying a Housing and Development Board (HDB) flat.
The Independent Singapore reached out to a couple of young individuals to get their opinions on their difficulties when buying an HDB flat.
25% S’poreans say “work” gives them meaning in life; Netizen asks, “A quarter of us don’t have anything more meaningful in life than to work?”

The results of a study from 2021 have raised a few eyebrows, after a tweet showing how many people in a given country say that it is work that gives life meaning.
In Singapore, the study showed, 25 per cent of the respondents surveyed mentioned “their occupation and career when describing what gives them meaning in life.
‘Rent $1250 – very cheap!! Where do u get it???’ — French woman in Singapore shares how she got cheap rental and manages her monthly budget

A TikTok video where a French woman who lives in Singapore broke down her monthly budget got a lot of attention after it was posted on Sunday (Oct 16).
What netizens were most shocked about was how little she pays for rent for what appears to be decent digs, given today’s high property prices.
WP’s Jamus Lim, Gerald Giam, Dennis Tan join in discussion with Australia’s Assistant Foreign Affairs Minister on ties with Singapore & Australia

Workers’ Party MP Jamus Lim posted a photo from an Oct 17 meeting with Assistant Foreign Affairs Minister Tim Watts, along with fellow WP MPs Gerald Giam (Aljunied GRC) and Dennis Tan (Hougang SMC) and other parliamentarians.
The informal discussion, hosted by the Australian High Commission, Singapore, centred around the ties between the two nations, and Assoc Prof Lim (Sengkang GRC) wrote in an Oct 18 (Tuesday) Facebook post, “We were able to share candid thoughts on how such ties may be strengthened.”
Netizen decided to be child-free says having kids shouldn’t be ‘dictated by public policy, GDP per capita, or supporting ageing population’

A netizen who said they have decided not to have children questioned whether having a smaller population may be better for the future, as opposed to the conventional wisdom that urges for a bigger one.
Singapore’s low fertility rate has been a cause for concern, along with its ageing society, although there have been some encouraging signs of late.