A massive python was spotted along a footpath at Ulu Pandan, requiring two officers from the Animal Concerns Research and Education Society (ACRES) to carry it to safety.

A video of the rescue mission was posted on Facebook on Sept 22, with the python lying motionlessly by the edge of the footpath and canal.

The footage started with the ACRES staff getting ready to catch the massive snake by placing a cage near the reptile.

Photo: FB screengrab

The officers shortly discussed how to capture the snake before one of them proceeded to secure the python’s head using a pair of snake tongs.

Photo: FB screengrab
Photo: FB screengrab

Meanwhile, the female officer grabs the snake’s head. The male officer goes behind and grabs the snake’s body and tail which was wider than his hand.

Photo: FB screengrab

The duo lifts the snake and gently places it in the cage while passing cyclists and joggers observe the actions.

Photo: FB screengrab

ACRES co-CEO Kalai Vanan S/O Balakrishnan told MustShare News on Sept 23 that the python had actually sustained some injuries and was just lying there at the edge of the canal. A member of the public had called them in to rescue the creature.

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This python was relatively more chill than other wildlife sightings in Singapore, such as another python hissing at motorists as it tried showing who was boss while crossing a road near Woodlands Checkpoint.

Members of the public who come across wild animals can call the ACRES Wildlife Rescue hotline at +65 9783 7782 for assistance./TISG

Giant python hisses at motorists and shows who’s the boss of Woodlands Checkpoint

ByHana O